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Writer's pictureNon-ADHD Spouse

Navigating the Maze of 'Being Late' in ADHD

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

Have you ever been stuck in traffic, heart pounding as the clock relentlessly ticks away, and thought to yourself, "I can't be late again!"? Well, I have. But, as I've come to learn through my husband's journey with ADHD, "being late" carries a whole different meaning in his world. It's not just about running behind schedule; it's about struggling to finish tasks, chasing elusive goals, and wrestling with a unique set of challenges that often go unnoticed.

Understanding 'Late' in ADHD

Late, for people with ADHD, isn't limited to punctuality; it extends far beyond that. It can be a perpetual state of missing deadlines, leaving tasks unfinished, or failing to achieve long-cherished dreams. My husband, for instance, is the epitome of punctuality when it comes to appointments. He learned from an early age that tardiness is undesirable, and so, he's always the first one to show up for meetings or gatherings. However, when it comes to life goals and aspirations, that's where he tends to lag behind.

For years, my husband wanted to change jobs, but he couldn't seem to make that leap. It wasn't for lack of desire; it was more about not knowing where to start or how to get there. This struggle is often linked to executive function deficits that are common in people with ADHD. Tasks that seem straightforward to others can feel like navigating a labyrinth for them.

The Executive Function Challenge

Executive function refers to a set of cognitive skills that help us manage time, plan and organize, set goals, initiate tasks, and regulate our behavior. In people with ADHD, these functions can be somewhat impaired. Imagine trying to reach a distant destination with a broken GPS – you might have a general idea of where you want to go, but the path to get there is filled with uncertainty and detours.

My husband's ADHD often leaves him feeling lost in the details. He can see the end goal but struggles to break it down into manageable steps. This lack of a clear roadmap often leads to procrastination and indecision. He wants to change jobs, but the path forward seems hazy, so he stays where he is, despite his unhappiness.

The Allure of Distractions

To make matters more complicated, ADHD comes with an unwelcome companion – a knack for getting easily distracted. Imagine trying to focus on a single task while your attention darts around like a hyperactive squirrel. The simplest of distractions can lead you astray, pulling you away from your goals.

My husband can attest to this firsthand. He often finds himself immersed in tasks that have little to do with his long-term objectives. It could be a fascinating article, a new hobby, or even household chores – anything that momentarily captures his attention becomes a priority, diverting him from the road to his aspirations.

The Power of Understanding

So, how can we help our loved ones with ADHD navigate the complexities of being "late" in their world? The key lies in understanding their unique challenges and offering support tailored to their needs.

For me, connecting the dots between punctuality and life goals was a revelation. Once I realized that my husband's struggle with tardiness went beyond just showing up on time, I could empathize with his daily battles. I learned to appreciate the effort he puts into being punctual for appointments, even if it contrasts with his challenges in pursuing larger goals.

Helping a Loved One with ADHD

Supporting someone with ADHD requires patience and compassion. Here are a few strategies that have been helpful in our journey:

  1. Breaking Down Goals: Help your loved one break down their long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps. Create a clear roadmap to their aspirations.

  2. Setting Reminders: Utilize tools like calendars, reminders, and to-do lists to keep track of tasks and deadlines. These external reminders can be a lifeline.

  3. Minimizing Distractions: Create a distraction-free environment whenever possible. Encourage them to designate specific times for focused work.

  4. Offering Encouragement: Recognize and celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in boosting their confidence.

  5. Seeking Professional Help: If needed, consider therapy or counseling. Professionals can provide guidance and strategies for managing ADHD symptoms.

Being "late" in the world of ADHD isn't just about missing appointments; it's a multifaceted challenge that encompasses executive function deficits and the allure of distractions. Understanding this unique perspective is the first step in offering meaningful support to our loved ones with ADHD. Together, we can help them find their way in a world that often seems mired in delay, empowering them to reach their goals and aspirations, one step at a time.

Tomorrow, I share with you one of my favorite free tools to help my ADHD marriage stay on track and on time.

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